Internal Infrastructure Cluster: Major Upgrade from 2018-06-18 09:00 CEST to 2018-06-18 22:00 CEST

Scheduled maintenance Region RMA (Rümlang, ZH, Switzerland) Linux Cloud Servers (RMA1)
2018-06-18 09:00 CEST · 13 hours



On Monday 2018-06-18, we will perform a major upgrade of our internal virtualization cluster. This cluster hosts our internal infrastructure as well as supporting services for cloud servers and object storage. No customer servers are running on the internal infrastructure cluster. Thanks to the redundant setup no impact is expected; all services will remain active during this maintenance work.

The following customer facing services are running on this cluster:

  • Cloud Control Panel & API
  • DNS resolvers for cloud servers
  • Load balancers and RADOS gateways of our object storage
  • BGP speakers announcing Floating IPs

Date / Time
Monday 2018-06-18, 09:00 CEST to 22:00 CEST

Expected Impact
Thanks to the redundant setup no impact is expected. Short periods of reduced performance of the services hosted on the internal infrastructure cluster are possible. Already running virtual servers are not affected by this maintenance work as the compute nodes running these servers and the network infrastructure will not be changed.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

June 18, 2018 · 09:00 CEST

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